Laser treatments/IPL 


The permanent reduction of hair

The Ellipse IPL (Intense pulse light) system is used for photo-rejuvenation and to treat hair, vascular and pigmented conditions. The Ellipse IPL is medical grade and thus only available within medical rooms. Treatments are performed by our trained nurses, ensuring you receive an effective treatment. 

Hair reduction

Our Ellipse IPL machine uses the latest technology to target the pigment in the hair follicle, destroying it without causing damage to the surrounding skin. Hair clearance is obtained after only 8-10 treatments, spaced at 5-8 weeks apart. Clinical long term studies prove that 77% of hair is still absent after 10 years. You should have this treatment when your skin is at its purest colour, with no fake or real tan. This treatment is perfect to do through winter.  

Photo Rejuvenation and Vascular Capillary Treatment 

Remove age spots, telangiectasia, diffuse redness, Rosacea and uneven pigmentation on the face and body.

Age spots contain a substance called melanin and diffuse redness and blood vessels contain haemoglobin. The pulse light used in IPL is carefully filtered in 2 ways to ensure that light with the correct wavelength is allowed to reach your skin. When cells containing high amounts of melanin or haemoglobin are targeted with the right type of light, they heat up and are destroyed within a few thousandths of one second.  

Most people require 1-3 treatments, usually 5-6 weeks apart. 

All surgery carries with it risks and complications. See here for a summary of the common risks. Risks specific to both your personal situation and the specific procedures you are seeking will be discussed in detail at your appointment with Dr Breidahl.


Dr. Alan Breidahl

Dr. Alan Breidahl

Dr. Alan BreidahlPlastic and Reconstructive Surgeon “Dr. Alan Breidahl has extensive training and over 25 years experience in plastic surgery.  Having achieved the highest level of Plastic surgery training in Australia, Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of...

Lee Kuzma

Lee Kuzma

Lee KuzmaDivision 1 Nurse and Dermal Therapist With over 20 years of nursing experience and 15 years of dermal therapy experience, including anti-wrinkle treatments, IPL, peels and microdermabrasion, Lee is highly skilled to bring the best out in your skin.Melbourne...


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