
BIA-ALCL Advisory Update

  BIA-ALCL Advisory Update The following advisory represents a collaborative effort between ASPS and ASAPS to produce biannual updates on recent disease developments, government regulatory communications, and consensus recommendations. Q: What is BIA-ALCL? A:...

Liposuction: is surgery better than non-surgical techniques?

Liposuction: is surgery better than non-surgical techniques?

Traditional surgical liposuction (suction assisted lipoplasty) has been refined over many decades. Dr Alan Breidahl has had more than 20 years experience with this procedure and has honed his techniques to achieve pleasing results in the appropriate patients. In the...

The Perfect Breast Augmentation

The Perfect Breast Augmentation

All patients and surgeons interested in breast augmentation would love to know a technique that resulted in the 'perfect breast augmentation'. I recently reviewed a patient whose breasts I augmented 14 years ago, and both she and I could only describe them as perfect....

Breast Implant Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma

The appearance of Breast Implant Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) has been a great shock to many caring plastic surgeons who are most concerned for their patients welfare. The TGA in Australia and the FDA in America are being kept appraised of the...

Facing New Future

Facing New Future

Miracle surgery has Nicasio Ready to take big leap! Herald Sun - 10/05/2008 View Article