

Feel comfortable in your skin without hiding under makeup. 

OsmosisMD Professional Medi-facial

This facial will hydrate and smooth your complexion while stimulating your skin. Tailor-made treatments to suit your skin using medical-grade active ingredients that repair and remodel the skin.

Restore your skin with a gentle Medi-facial. This popular facial is more effective when paired with microhydrobrasion to insure the antioxidants from the products we use are infused deep into clean skin.

OsmosisMD Professional Medi-infusion facial

This powerful combination of Medi-facial and Vitamin A infusion will provide you with a gentle ‘peel’ that is very relaxing and rejuvenating.

Treatment Intervals 

This treatment takes 45-60 minutes. To achieve optimal results it is recommended to have up to 6 treatments, monthly intervals. Once off treatment or maintenance treatment is still very effective.

Vitamin A Infusion 

This facial infusion stimulates dermal remodelling, increasing circulation, boosting immunity and rejuvenating skin without inflammation.

Using the purest form of vitamin A, Retinadehyde 2.0%, as the main ingredient, mixed with a combination of other incredible active ingredients, we can improve the way your skin looks and feels.

This treatment will increase the production of collagen and recover signs of ageing by improving fine lines, enlarged pores and pigmented skin. Not only does it Increase skin hydration, it also exfoliates for a brighter and healthier glow, diminishing the appearance of redness and inflammation. Our Dermal Clinicians will customise your treatment by adding Osmosis power blends and powder actives that are effective at targeting specific skin concerns.

What is Vitamin A?

Vitamin A is an antioxidant vitamin, it works hard by destroying the cell-damaging free radicals in your body, this helps to keep you looking and feeling young.

So how does vitamin A contribute to such an important job? As we age our skin, eyes, joints and even our internal organs become less efficient. Wrinkles appear and our complexion loses its youthful glow, it’s just a fact of life.

But what causes our bodies to break down in this way? One major cause is the existence of free radicals in the body. Free radicals are naturally produced by our bodies, and we make even more of them when subjected to stress, have poor dietary intake, or are exposed to pollution and cigarette smoke. In fact, many aspects of modern life encourage our bodies to manufacture more of these damaging free radicals. They float around our bodies contributing to visible ageing of our skin and sometimes even trigger disease. Antioxidants, like Vitamin A, destroy free radicals, helping us look younger for a longer period of time.

All surgery carries with it risks and complications. See here for a summary of the common risks. Risks specific to both your personal situation and the specific procedures you are seeking will be discussed in detail at your appointment with Dr Breidahl.


Dr. Alan Breidahl

Dr. Alan Breidahl

Dr. Alan BreidahlPlastic and Reconstructive Surgeon “Dr. Alan Breidahl has extensive training and over 25 years experience in plastic surgery.  Having achieved the highest level of Plastic surgery training in Australia, Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of...

Lee Kuzma

Lee Kuzma

Lee KuzmaDivision 1 Nurse and Dermal Therapist With over 20 years of nursing experience and 15 years of dermal therapy experience, including anti-wrinkle treatments, IPL, peels and microdermabrasion, Lee is highly skilled to bring the best out in your skin.Melbourne...